I can't believe I am saying this, but I have officially moved back into my parents house. Eli and I moved back in this past weekend so I can finish school. Just to throw it out there, Geoff and I are not splitting up. Everyone seems to think we are, because Eli and I moved out but its temporary. We spent many hours discussing our options and decided its whats best for Eli and right now thats what matters most. Eli has greatly enjoyed spending the extra time with my parents and with his Aunt Chelsea. He loooves Aunt Chelsea and the girls. I hate being away from my husband, but its what is best for our family because there is no way I could leave Eli in daycare, it works for some, but Eli is a needy baby. He doesnt have the right temperament for daycare and I truly believe he'd be miserable, not to mention how costly it is! One daycare I interviewed quoted me $1100/month. Yikes. So Geoff and I are making due by talking on the phone as much as possible and trying to work out weekend visits. Cole has settled into Eli's room, which helps us out financially and gives Cole a place to live. I am sure Eli misses his daddy, because he goes around asking for him during the day, but its what it is. I started back to school this week and its so hard to balance Eli and school work. When I am home, I want to spend every moment with my baby boy and cuddle him and play and watch all the funny things he's started to do. However, I often need to split my attention between him and school works and it sucks. I have a new appreciation and respect for single mothers, its insanely difficult to be a good mother and work/go to school/ take care of the house etc. I am very lucky to have the support and help from my family with Eli. Even when I can't be there with him, I know he's being loved on and cared for by the people who love him most.
On a separate note, Geoff and I have now have Eli's first birthday planned (!!!!!) if you can believe he's going to be 1 in a little more than a month! Monica will be 1 in less than a month. I can't believe how big these babies have gotten and how fast they've grown. We bought some super cute monster themed supplies from good ol' wal-mart and am going to do sandwiches, chips, drinks and cupcakes for his special day. I am so excited for our baby boy. I have been asked a couple of times when I am going to wean him, and to me his is still so little. He counts on nursing still 4-8 times a day, depending on how much I am gone etc. He still needs mama milk and for now I am content to continue giving it to him. I can't imagine nursing much past the age of 2, but we will take it day by day and see how things are going for us both. As long as we are both enjoying it and there is milk to be had, I'll nurse him. Anyway, its getting late and I have class tomorrow so here is a pic for you to enjoy.
Eli, 10 months 08-05-2011 |