Phew. Its been a crazy long last few months. I started classes back in August and its been balls-to-the-wall since then. I have my last class for 2 of my 4 classes this week, one today and one on Thursday. I only have 2 more Science Methods classes, and practicum hours wrap up Dec. 9. I tentatively have my student teaching placement... I think I am going to be at The Classical Academy (off of Springcrest and Voyager) and I dont know what grade yet. I requested second, but would really prefer an upper grade. I am in fourth grade for my practicum hours and really like that age group. It will be an exciting new journey no matter which grade I get :o) I am excited to be student teaching in the spring, but concerned about leaving Eli for that long. I will have to be at the school from the moment my supervising teacher gets there, til the moment she leaves. So that could be 7-5 everyday. I hate to leave him that much. AND-I still dont know whether or not I want to apply for a job here or in foco. If I am here, I can probably find childcare more easily, but I dont want to be away from Geoff. If I am in Foco, jobs are more scarce, but I am with Geoff and we would have to pay for childcare....Its hard to say what is best.
On the Eli front, I can't believe how big and grown up he is. He is walking around like a crazy person. He is talking and babbling up a storm. He now says: my mama, dada, uh-oh, ouch, mo-nic-a, yuv yoo (love you), be-kah (becca), nana, papa, night-night, dat yoo (thank you), socks on, and he shakes his head yes and no. He can sign milk, more, thank you, all done (although he is stubborn about that one!!) We are working on the signs for please, cup, thank you (not his best sign) change, love you
He is STILL not sleeping through the night. We've been pretty fluid with his sleeping arrangements, some nights he sleeps with me, other nights he stays in his crib all night. Some well meaning people have told me that I am encouraging his not sleeping by allowing him in my bed, and that may be so, but I don't care. I feel like its important to meet his needs at night, and if that means cuddling with mama to make up lost time during the day, then so be it. That being said, I hope he starts sleeping better before I start student teaching.