Sunday, July 1, 2012

Eli is AWEsome!

My little man will be 21 months old in a few days, so I am already starting to think about his 2nd birthday. (yep. I am a party-nerd) Anyway, he blows me away every day. I am working on uploading a video of him right now telling me all of his letters! I honestly had no idea that he knew any of his letters! But he apparently does. We were at my parents house a few days ago and Eli and my mom were watching Super Why! (PBS kids show) and two letters popped up on the screen, and Eli said them without being prompted. My mom asked me if he had seen this episode before or if he knows his letters. I said yes, he's seen the episode once or twice before, and I don't think he knows them. Well, my mom has a magnet board with letters on it and Eli was already playing with it so I picked it up and asked him what each letter was. He knew them all! It was pretty amazing. I am so proud of him, he is so inquisitive and eager to learn new things. We are working on colors and shapes and numbers now too.
He has also started showing interest in using the potty, which is exciting for me because that will mean no more diapers! Some days he is eager and willing to try, some days he has no interest. Its a day by day thing. He is also sleeping in his bed most of the night now too. Ah, what a relief. I don't mind him coming to bed and sleeping with Geoff and me, but I do like having him go down in his bed at night so I can have a few hours to my self at night.
In terms of Geoff and I, Geoff is still working and plugging along with school. He is debating taking only one class at a time for now to increase his chances of being successful with his remaining credits. He only has 20 credits left, so we are both anxious for him to be done. I am still looking for a job myself, as teaching jobs in Fort Collins are very difficult to come by. I have had 5-6 interviews, and they've all gone well, but it always comes back with "its not you, its me". In short, schools are so over saturated with applicants that they can be incredibly picky about who they hire and they want someone with experience, which I don't have and can't get... so we're in a holding pattern. I could get a job in Colorado Springs, there are a LOT more jobs down there then there are up here, but I can't take a job in the Springs, and we can't move to the Springs until Geoff is done with school, but he could finish school a lot faster if he didn't have to work full time. So its a giant mess. Hopefully something will come through for us sooner than later.
As soon as the video of Eli doing his letters is done uploading I will come back and add the video.

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