Wednesday, July 30, 2014


So, I don't know if releasing all of that (see my last post) out into the world and into God's hands made the difference, or if it was a combination of prayer, the vitamins and supplements I was taking or what...but we're expecting baby #2 (affectionately known as R-2) February 11. The next two paragraphs are probably more info than some of you want to know, if you want to skip the cycle info and when and what I did to get pregnant, skip down to paragraph 4!

In my last blog post, I thought I was 8DPO. It seems like I tried to ovulate, then didn't, then ovulated a week later than I thought. This means when I thought I was 8DPO I was actually 1. I was getting ready to call my midwife for a prescription of Provera to start a new cycle, since this cycle seemed to be dragging on and on. I took vitex from CD 1-25, didn't ovulate, and stopped taking it. I started taking Fertilaid and metformin on CD 25-60. I stopped both when I realized I was pregnant.

I thought I ovulated on CD 35 (average cycles are 28-35 days) and tested on CD 44-BFN.
I started using progesterone on day 42, because I suspected a luteal phase defect, then actually ovulated on CD 42. I tested on CD 44, 46, 47, 50, and 53. At this point I should've been 11 DPO and been able to get a positive test, which did not happen. I kept getting negatives. The evening of our anniversary, my chest was very sore and I didn't feel well. Both symptoms of PMS. The next night my back hurt, and I was ready to just give up and start over. I was 18 DPO and frustrated. Geoff was on his way home from work so I decided to take a test (my last one!) and then call the doctor in the morning for Provera to start a new cycle once I was sure I was not pregnant. Imagine my surprise when I was!! Unfortunately, I started spotting almost the next day. We called my midwife and she got me in for threatened miscarriage. She thought I was farther along than I actually was, so we did an ultrasound. Imagine my sweet relief when we found the tiny heart beat on the ultra sound. A few days later I started passing small amounts of grey tissue and the bleeding increased. Geoff stayed home from work one day to go with me because again, we thought we lost the baby. The ultrasound never revealed a reason for the bleeding, and my midwife couldn't tell me for sure. One theory is possibly there were twins and we lost one, but we'll probably never know. We had a regular check-up at 10 weeks and my midwife was able to get the heart beat on the doppler. There has never been a sweeter sound than hearing that galloping heart beat.

I told Geoff the night after our anniversary, we had waited too long for me not to tell him right away :)
Eli and I had already made his father's day card, which had Darth on the front, and said "Dad, you are my father" and Yoda inside and it said "Yoda  best dad ever". I crossed out "my" and wrote "our" then I put the test inside. Then I told him I am sorry I gave you something for father's day that I peed on. :)

I am so excited about this child, the timing could not have been better. We just moved into a beautiful new house, its a 3 bed 2 bath ranch with full unfinished basement. I'll post house pictures later. The due date for this baby is mid-February, which allows me to take the rest of the school year off, unpaid, and return to work in August. We made a bit of money in the sale of our condo, which should be enough for me to stay home from Feb-August. I am so excited to begin putting this little person's room together and get ready for baby.

Right now we are planning a hospital VBAC, I had a great hospital experience last time and totally and completely felt like I was supported, respected, and treated with dignity, even though E's birth ended up in a cesarean. Geoff is much more comfortable with VBACing at the hospital instead of at home, so we will do that. I am going to start seeing a chiropractor soon, and hope that will help me and baby stay in better alignment and more ready for birth.

For now, we wait and pray and hope this baby continues to grow and thrive and we get to meet our little R2 in Feb!

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