Saturday, November 6, 2010

adventures in cloth diapering

Since before Eli was born, I have been interested in trying cloth diapering. A good friend of mine cloth diapers her little girl and loves it, and a couple of girls from work cloth diaper and they love it! I have to admit, part of the draw was being "on the cutting edge" haha, which is funny because cloth is a lot older than disposables, but I love the all natural simplicity of cloth. I like the lack of chemicals, the ease of use (I know, whats easier than rip if off and throw it away...but really! They are easy!!) I like how cost effective they are. We went down to Baby Cotton Bottoms in Colorado Springs and talked to my friend, Katie Zook, who works there to get set up. We started with 24 bleached chinese prefolds and four thirsties duo covers and a snappi. We chose prefolds and covers because they are really cost effective and easy to use, easy to wash and so on. We've been using cloth for a week or so now and I have decided we need at least one more cover. Covers seem to last 4-6 diaper changes, so our four covers sometimes are dirty before the diapers are. On occasion he will have a massive blow out, and leak through to the cover but so far he has not had any blowouts that ended with poop on the clothes! To get started, we washed our diapers in hot water, cold rinse and dried them three times. We also washed the covers and diaper bag liner once to get started and hung those to dry. We use a dry pail method since exclusively breast fed babies poop doesnt stink so bad. The first few days I noticed the pee smell was stronger, but if we change him often I dont notice it so much now. I usually change him every feeding in order to keep him dry and clean. We also just started using cloth wipes, since we're doing laundry anyway. I use an empty disposable wipes container with a bit of baby wash in it, and we change the water when we wash the diapers (every other day or so) and we did not buy special wipes, but just used the hundreds of wash clothes we received at my baby shower. I actually LOVE cloth wipes, they smell so fresh and if he gets poop on the cover I can wipe it off easily or if he catches me off guard and pees on us both, I can wash him off with it too.

So heres our stash
-24 bleached chinese prefolds
-4 thirsties duo covers with snaps (these are amazing, they will cover him from birth til about 18lbs!! then size two goes from 18-35lbs! no more covers to buy, just prefolds!!)
-1 snappi (no pins! it looks like an ace bandage clip but a "T" shape, so it holds across him and down)
I am ordering tomorrow....4 thirsties duo pockets (these are trim and easy for diaper bag use, or for people who dont cloth) and two more covers, like I said they get dirty sometimes more often than I expected
and at least one more snappi. I dont like having just one, just in case we lose or break it.

I am really interested in trying wool covers too, I have heard from more than one person that they are awesome. They are treated with lanolin which is supposed to mix with the uric acid in pee and make "soap" so wool covers dont need to be washed so often. They are expensive $30 or more. I have been checking out etsy for wool covers...and once we get paid again I may go ahead and order one to try.

I will probably rewrite this later, as I am hopped up on percocet right now since I had gallbladder surgery yesterday. Yes, thats right. I had my c-section on October 5, my gallbladder out November 5, lets not do surgery on December 5!! The gallbladder has been a long time coming...but thats another post another day.

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