Friday, February 4, 2011

Eli is almost 4 months old!

Eli will be four months old tomorrow! I cant believe how fast its gone, he changes so much everyday. This week he has started showing a keen interest in his toys, and has started grabbing them and putting them in his mouth. This is pretty much right on target from the sheet the pediatrician gave us with milestones etc. Its funny to watch him reach for a toy and get so excited when he gets it in his mouth! He has his 4 month well child check/immunizations this next week, and I am kind of looking forward to it because I'm always curious to see what he weighs and how long he is. I hate to see him in pain from the immunizations, but after much research, feel its the best thing we can do to protect him from potentially deadly diseases. I know vaccines are a hot topic for some people, but I remember seeing my nephew (Alex, Carlo and Jen's little guy) in the hospital with RSV and it being the saddest, scariest thing ever. I know RSV is not something you can vaccinate against, but it struck me that there are diseases that can be prevented with a simple vaccine. Anyway *steps off soapbox*.
I am also looking forward to asking his pediatrician about sleep. Oh where do I begin? Eli has never been a great sleeper. He hates being put down when he's asleep or being forced to sleep alone, so I usually just put him in bed with me. However, he has been going through screaming fits at night off and on for the past month. I dont know what to do. We tried moving his bed time back to 7:30-8 and implemented a strict bedtime routine. At 7 he gets a bath, lotion, fresh diaper, nurses, story and bed. He sometimes goes down without a fuss, but almost always wakes up within 30-45 minutes and needs to be resoothed. He usually wakes up again at 11 and needs to be resoothed. If he goes back down ok after those two wakings, he wakes up to eat at 1-2. The rest of  the night is a crap shoot. I always leave him in bed with me after that, because he freaks out if I lay him back in his cosleeper. He usually eats again at 4, 6 and 9. With a diaper change in the middle of that. I struggle with the co sleeping thing, because I dont always sleep as well with him in bed with me because I am a stomach sleeper. Also, I struggle with the whole "never put them in bed with you, you're spoiling them and its dangerous" thing. Geoff has thrown in the towel and started sleeping on the couch, partly because of Eli and mostly because he likes to watch TV at night and I dont. Nap time is not much better. He likes to cat nap during the day, 30 mins or so at a time, so he's awake and happy for a short amount of time and then crabby because he's tired. Everyone keeps telling me, this too shall pass...All I can say is I hope they are right.

On a more positive note, he is giggling, smiling, laughing, and drooling like a crazy man! Here is a video of him giggling. He is more awesome than I ever could have imagined. I cant wait to see how this tiny person grows and changes everyday.

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