Tuesday, April 27, 2010

16 week check-up

I had my 16 week check up today! Yay! I was able to hear the heartbeat, it was 156bpm, which is on the higher end of normal. (Normal is 110-160) I have heard this means its a girl, but who knows. I say "I" heard the HB because DH was unable to attend, he had work this morning. I also scheduled my 20 week ultrasound, May 26, and we should find out the gender on that day as well. I am so excited! We have sort of started discussing birthing plans and options etc, its a huge decision and a lot to think about. We are also paying medical bills from my ER trip in February, and we just started paying on Bean's prenatal care. Sheesh babies are EXPENSIVE!! On top of that, we are in the process of car shopping. Oh-yeah-my least favorite thing in the world!!! Bah. We have to replace my truck because its unsafe to drive and definitely unsafe for a carseat! I think I will end up with the VW and Geoff will take whatever we replace the truck with, but again, we shall see!

On the school front, two weeks from today I will be done with all my finals! WHOOP!!! I have 5 days of lecture left, two stats projects, one huge paper and one small paper and two finals. Not so bad, I think it will be manageable. My goal is to get started on the small paper tonight and finish it tomorrow, and get stats done friday night. That leaves the huge paper polishing for next week. I am nervous about that one for sure. As far as Geoff and school, I think he has a few labs to finish up and then two finals. One of his is optional, and he will or will not take it depending on how he's sitting in the class. Remember, C's get degrees! haha. Well I am off to grad school orientation, even though I can't attend this semester I want as much info as possible so I know what's coming. I'll keep you posted if there are any other updates between now and May 26.

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