I know most parents have all sorts of dreams and ideas for their future children.
I haven't had too many thoughts on future plans for this LO. I want Bean to be a happy, healthy, confident and well adjusted individual. But this post isn't really about that. I thought I would share some of my CRAZY pregnancy dreams with you all...because all I can say is "WOW"
This one was a few weeks ago:
A girl I know, but am not particularly close to, and I working. We weren't at Whole Foods though, we were in this cabin up in the woods. I looked outside and noticed the sky was really strange, it was grey and green and really eerie looking. We kept working on these cakes we were making, and all the sudden I see flashing red and blue lights reflected off the clouds and in the sky. I look out and there is a squadron of police cars surrounding the building. The cops bust the door in and storm inside, weapons drawn. The girl I was working with raises a butcher knife and screams at the cops, then they arrest her. I asked what was going on and they said "She's under arrest for the murder of 6 women, and we think you were the next victim" I of course freaked out! The cops proceed outside and start tearing up the concrete patio area and discover 5 bodies, one was still missing. I am so scared at this point and try to figure out how I can get home. Another girl from work shows up and offers to walk home with me, so off we go through the woods. We are scrambling through the trees, panicked that there is this half-dead girl outside somewhere waiting for us. We get to her house and she walks up to her door and turns around and says goodnight! AHA! Now how am I supposed to get home? I woke up at this point, scared to death and cuddled up to DH. (DH=Dear Husband)
Once I fell back to sleep, I settled into a more pleasant dream. DH and I were at my parents house and I suddenly went into labor. We get to the hospital and I gave birth to a beautiful baby...Macaw. Yes that's right, a blue and yellow macaw. At first I was happy to be done and I remember telling my mom my stomach felt flat now, and she said it was because the baby was so small. We got ready to leave the hospital and I freaked out because I didnt think the "baby" would fit in the carseat, so the hospital isn't gonna let us leave!The nurse came in and helped us get the baby situated and then we left. I was fine once we got home, happy to show off the baby until I realized I didnt know how to feed it! I wanted to breast feed but wasnt gonna feed a macaw that way! OUCH! I asked my mom how to feed it and she said to just feed it whatever I ate, but not too much junk food! I then started thinking "wait... how was this possible? This is interspecies breeding here!!" Geoff then accused me of cheating on him! I swore I didnt!! I then woke up!
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