Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Hello everyone!
So starting tomorrow we are officially out of the first trimester! Yay!
To answer some questions I've gotten:
how are you feeling?
A: Better! I havent been throwing up, hardly at all. And I am still tired but slowly getting back to normal.
Any morning sickness?
A: OMG...yes. I had to get a prescription for it...I was getting sick 2-3 times a day or more. Enough said.
Are you going to find out the sex?
A: yes. I will be 20 weeks May 26 so sometime around then we can find out!
Have you had any ultrasounds?
A: Yep, two of them. One of at 6w6d to make sure the pregnancy was viable, they werent sure if it was ectopic or not. The second was at 11w6d and was awesome. We got a 3D shot of Baby R, which is on my facebook page. The difference in size was awesome. S/he looks like a little person now.

Any other questions? Let me know and I will answer them. Right now we are focusing on the end of the semester. I graduate May 15 which is great timing with all of this. I should find out soon about grad school, which doesnt matter at this point because I cant go, but it'll be great to know one way or the other.

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