Thursday, July 21, 2011

second half of the summer

I read somewhere that the half of the summer following the 4th of July is shorter than the part of the summer that preceeds the 4th of July. So far that has been true :) I am getting ready to take my Praxis exam, which basically just ensures I have the basic knowledge for becoming an elementary teacher (language arts, science, math, social studies) I have been studying as much as possible but sheesh! Its hard to study with Eli getting into everything! Eli has started cruising on the furniture and crawling like a mad man to get where he wants to be. He is extremely determined and not easily deterred either. If he wants something, he goes for it, and if you remove him from the object of his desire he arches his back and stomps his foot and yells at you. Its kind of funny, but probably wont be for long :o)
Eli and I are moving in with my parents in less than a month. This is going to be a huge change for us, as I have lived on my own since summer of 2005. It will be hard to be away from Geoff, and it will be hard on Geoff to be away from Eli. I know we can do it, military families have to endure a lot longer separations, but its not going to be easy. I am anxious and excited to be going back to school in the fall as well. Its going to be very hard to be away from Eli. He is very much attached to his mama and vise versa. Especially recently, the little guy has been going through some separation anxiety which has made it hard for him for me to even leave the room. He is comfortable with my sister and my parents, so hopefully the time away from me will be stress free for him. My other concern is that he is still nursing quite frequently during the day, despite eating three solid meals a day. We have moved to mostly baby fed meals, and the only things I spoon feed him are things like yogurt, otherwise he feeds himself. I am concerned though that he is going to reverse cycle and nurse more at night than he is now. As it stands now, he is regularly getting up 2-3 times a night to nurse. He nurses well and goes right back to sleep, which is good, but its still a lot of waking for me. I am hoping he'll outgrow the need to eat in the middle of the night sometime in the next 2-3 months, but I am not holding my breath on that one. I am also not comfortable with holding those feedings from him, because I truly believe he is hungry and needs the calories. He is still measuring in the >5th% for weight, so the more calories he eats, even at night, the better.
On an unrelated note, Geoff and I have been talking about having another baby sometime soonish. I would like one sooner than later, but we both agree that we BOTH need to be finished with school. Geoff has 6 credits lined up for this semester and 9 for the spring, and then (if all goes well and i get a teaching job!) he can quit Wal-mart and finish his last year full time. So we are at least 2 years out. Not my ideal spacing, but we'll do what we have to do. As always, here is the most recent Eli pic.